Treatment Approach and Considerations


Beth D. Connolly, PsyD


Dr. Beth has been licensed in the state of New Hampshire since December of 2010 and follows the Code of Ethics laid forth by the American Psychological Association and licensing board. Several precautions will be taken in order to ensure your safety, comfort and privacy during sessions with Dr. Beth.

Initial office visits will serve to establish a working relationship and trusting alliance between you and Dr. Beth. During these visits, Dr. Beth will provide you with information about run/ walk sessions and options for routes available for your time together. Prior to participation in run/ walk sessions, Dr. Beth will request your completion of a waiver of liability form outlining your consent to risks associated with walking/ running. This form is intended to ensure that you are practicing good judgment with your health and are aware of the potential risks associated with exercise and movement. It is recommended that you inform your primary care physician of your intention to participate in running/ walking sessions. Dr. Beth will request your consent to coordinate care with your doctor in order to ensure best practice.

Outdoor run/ walk sessions challenge conventional modes of therapy and require discussion regarding privacy and confidentiality. Clients will be asked about their preferences for managing potential interactions with neighbors, friends, or colleagues while participating in run/ walk sessions. Dr. Beth is sensitive to the importance of respecting an individual’s privacy, and will following the client’s lead in this vein. If privacy or confidentiality concerns are of particular concern, a client may opt to utilize the indoor equipment in order to minimize this risk.

Integrative Psychotherapy

While most sessions will include a run or a walk and may look similar from the outside, Dr. Beth is of the belief that each client possesses unique needs and strengths. Therefore, the treatment approach implemented within the run/ walk session will vary depending upon the client.

Dr. Beth typically draws from a variety of theories and approaches to psychotherapy in order to address the goals of the client. An initial assessment will assist in the formulation of a diagnosis and treatment plan, goal-setting, and discussion of Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change model to identify sources of motivation. Dr. Beth will then incorporate her knowledge and skills within Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing in order to intervene effectively.

Insurance and Fees

While Dr. Beth does not accept insurance, she is happy to provide you with proper invoices for your to independently submit to your insurance carrier in order to obtain reimbursement for services. Please check with your carrier prior to establishing this plan, however, as Dr. Beth cannot guarantee that your carrier will definitely reimburse for your care.

The rates included on the Pricing and Services page are reasonably negotiable in certain situations. Dr. Beth is eager to assist you in obtaining the help or support that you might need, and is willing to discuss rate adjustments when financial hardship is evident. Please Contact Us in order to discuss payment.

Motivation for change and ACTION

The rate of change observed in therapy is undoubtedly correlated with an individual’s motivation for change. Therefore, if you are READY TO MOVE FORWARD, your progress will be evident more rapidly than those who might be experiencing a level of ambivalence or stuck-ness (I realize that this is not a real word, but it most effectively communicates the state you and I know all too well). Regardless of your motivation or readiness, This Is My Happy Pace: Therapeutic Running Services IS ready to meet you and guide you toward action.

Expectations for treatment will be discussed and regular adjustments to treatment will occur in response to your feedback. Finding your happy pace will be a collaborative endeavor and requires ongoing communication and cooperation between you and Dr. Beth. She is flexible, open, and creative with her interventions.


More About Treatment

Mind-Body Connection

One of the primary benefits of running and walking therapy sessions is the opportunity to utilize the body in the treatment of the mind. By increasing your attention and connection to your physical self, you can begin to develop new ways of responding to, and coping with, stressors. You can begin to monitor your body’s response to certain thoughts and behaviors, and make adjustments as necessary. Your happy pace exists in the pathway that connects your mind and body.

Values and reasons for change

Distress can sometimes result from a disconnect or discrepancy between an individual’s values and choices. Part of decreasing distress and anxiety can oftentimes involve aligning one’s values and behaviors. Identifying what is important to you can assist in guiding you toward opportunities for change in order to improve your attention to those ideals. 

Finding meaning and purpose in one’s life are important goals for satisfaction. If you are lacking in meaning and purpose, this might be a good starting place for intervention. However grand or small our mission might be, we all need an anchor to keep ourselves at bay.

Action outside of sessions

Depending upon your age, it may have been a long time since you were assigned homework, BUT, Dr. Beth will be reuniting you with the concept. You will leave sessions with goals and homework to be completed outside of our time together. This is not intended to be torturous, but rather to facilitate action outside sessions and expedite your change process; all for your own benefit.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive- Behavioral  Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment approach used to treat a variety of mental health disorders and behaviors. CBT examines an individual’s core beliefs, monitors thoughts, and assists in the development of new ways of thinking and behaving. CBT interventions are useful for assisting in management of depression and anxiety, as well as a myriad of other mental health issues.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a well-known treatment approach used to treat a variety of disorders and presenting issues. While Dr. Beth and This Is My Happy Pace does not provide formalized DBT treatment, she incorporates the concepts and skills from this approach into her work with individuals, when relevant. DBT includes skills stemming from four main umbrellas: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.


Mindfulness will be an important intervention introduced and utilized during treatment. The practice of being aware and present is crucial when approaching mental health. Mindfulness training and exercises within and outside of session will facilitate important changes in your attention and awareness. Being mindful can significantly impact your experience of stress.